Here is my Nov 2nd photo of the day. My dear dd spent part of the night being sick. So I kept her home just in case. Lord knows I should be at work but I can also use this day to my advantage. I am going to Creative Gatherings on Saturday to take a class with Fairyscrapmother (Suzy) I can't wait! So I'm doing laundry and some cleaning so I can go guilt free.
great lighting!!! p.s. if you change your blog setting to have word verification, you won't have the spam... love your pod!
Great day in the life pic! Hope dd feels better though.
I don't live too far from Creative gatherings myself, but I haven't been there yet. Glad to know another pea in the area.
I am a little jelous of how clean your laundry room is, and I want a sink in my laundry room too.
But I am sorry about your dd.
((((HUGS)))) for your DD! I may just have to finally go to CG! I am only two hours away...LOL!
I wish I had your laundry room!! Hope your dd is feeling better!
OMG! That cracks me up, that picture is what I saw yesterday. Great shot!
OMG! That cracks me up, that picture is what I saw yesterday. Great shot!
This photo is like home to me LOL. Sorry about your little guy. Hope shes feeling better soon.
Ahh, yes, laundry. It's good to have real life photos! Hope DD is feeling better.
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