My command central
First let me say, I couldn't get the pics to post any where but on top. Grrr. Anyway, One my favorite blogs is http://www.orgjunkie.com/. I always learn something over there, or get a great idea to do something with my own house. Like making a command central. This is where I will keep track of my families life. So above you'll see the calendar we use, it's on my fridge. Also is my grocery list, menu for the week and shopping list for stores other than the grocery store.
The next picture has my cookbooks, a file folder holder which has file folders (to be used for stuff the kids bring home from school, but have to go back like school picture forms etc, I also have a non spiral notebook in there for notes that I will need to write. Behind the file folder holder is my Family binder, that holds all kinds of info I want to keep on hand.
This is only part of command central. I have another area, it's a little cabinet that has some cubby spots that I keep phone books, coupons, extra blank envelopes. I also have in there a box with school stuff that the kids might need to do homework like: markers, pencil sharpner, calculator, ruler, dictionary, tape. I didn't post the pics because I didn't want them up on top too. :o)