So I suck at blogging. I just am not the organized type to do this I guess. I've been in a funk too recently. I'd rather read than surf. But I'm here now so that is what counts right? So this year I am thankful for so many things. My dad has a clean bill of health. No cancer. My mom is still as healthy as she can be.
My kids and dh are great, even when they drive me crazy. lol
I'm doing pretty good on Christmas shopping although I can't believe how much I already spent. I actually sat down today and added it up. Yikes. For the rest that I need to get I need to be selective.
Saw this on 2peas thought I'd answer it:
Thanksgiving Twenty
Do you cook all or part of the meal? part of the meal
How much do you spend buying groceries for the meal? Not sure?
Do you eat at home or go to someone else’s? both
Describe your perfect bite? mashed potatoes, dipped in corn casserole
White meat or dark? white
Stuffing with giblets or without? without
Anything you won’t eat at the Thanksgiving meal? oyster dressing and cranberry sauce
Carve Mr. Gobble at the table or serve on a platter? serve on a platter
Favorite pie? apple
Formal table or Chinet? chinet
Your menu?
Favorite leftover? pie
Extended family, friends, both or just the immediate family for dinner? both
After dinner, do you go to the latest movie or football on TV? I don't the guys tend to gravitate towards the tv.
Do you watch the Macy’s Parade? I like to, don't always get too. (kids ya know)
Christmas decorations up before or after? after
Black Friday shopping or sleep in? sleep in
Any special Thanksgiving tradition? none
Favorite thing about Thanksgiving? Just being with family
Favorite Thanksgiving memory?I don't know if it's a fav, but my family from Long Island visited(it's about 150 miles away), everyone, we had two tables set up. And when they went to leave it had already snowed like 4 inches. We were nervous until we got the call they made it home okay.