That's my dad. I think back in the 60's. He really hasn't changed all that much. Little heavier, well worn lines in his face. Alot older. But the same. He always made sure we had what we needed. And as I got older even allowed me alot of what I wanted. But I'm the youngest and by the time I hit high school he had a better paying job then when my brothers lived home. Growing up as a kid things I remember most. On summer sundays mom would maybe sleep in, Dad and I would go to town to get the sunday paper, go to the local Bakery Katz's for some hard rolls, jelly donuts and maybe some eclairs. Sometimes we'd stop by to see his friends Ralph and Grace Knack. She always tried to feed me breakfast. She was the sweetest lady I ever met. Then we'd go home. Mom would make brunch, usually fried egg on a roll. Yum!
He came to every meet, game whatever I had when he could. Even if it was only for the last 10 minutes. He helped me and my brothers with homework. Tried to teach me how to drive a stick. I couldn't do it then and I still can't. LOL As kids we all had nicknames. My oldest brother Jim was Bones, I can't remember what Scott was and as a kid I was Huggy Buggy and when I was older I was Marg and Fatso(now he wasn't being mean I was 5'11" and weigh 125) He loves his kids, and he loves his grandchildren.
He grew up not that far from where he settled down with his family. He was raised on a farm with cows, goats, horses, chickens, rabbits, you name it. At one point his dad left his mom. He got together with another woman. He doesn't really talk all that much about his dad. More his mom and his aunts and uncles who were also a big part of his and siblings lives. At one point in his life they had to sell the farm because his mom couldn't afford to live there anymore. They moved to town. At 16 he quit school and went into the army. He used to have a Hudson Hornet. He met my mom in a bar called the Light House when she was up here in the Catskills staying with friends. She was from Queens, NY. They married in 1963. Had Jim in 1964 and Scott in 1966. I came along in 1973 (my going joke is they were too scared to have another any sooner. My brothers were handfuls)
He's respected by many. Always willing to help you out. But doesn't always ask for help himself.
My dad was diagnosed in May with bladder cancer. While a surgery date has not been set, they will be removing his bladder. This whole thing has been very hard on me. As he's my daddy. And while I don't always agree with his opinions and what not I love him very much. I hope and pray all will go well. Other than the cancer he is in pretty good health. The surgery time concerns the doctors because his heart is not the strongest (he had a quadruple bypass in 2000) so that needs to be factured in to the whole equation.
The other hardest part about this whole things is my mom has lung cancer and was given a year. I'll save her entry for another day.