
and the word of the year: BALANCE

So there's this Life Artist named Ali Edwards http://aliedwards.typepad.com/ she pretty cool. Got a cool scrapping style. Well she's got this word of the year thing going on. A word to focus on for the year. So I thought at first, I don't have time for this. Then I was reading other people's blogs and one of my favorites Cathy Zielske http://cathyzielske.typepad.com/ chose the word BALANCE. Hmmm I thought. Maybe I should try this. I could really use some balance in my life as Cathy stated on her blog. I work full time outside of the home leave at about 8am and returning at 5:30 each day. I have two kids 6 and 3. Greg gets speech therapy and PT during the week. Julia has school all week and keeps my weekends busy with dance and sunday school. My house has been suffering. I have been suffering. I need a way to balance work, family, our home and myself (including my creativity). I need to go back to Flylady http://www.flylady.net/ I know her system works if I would just do it. I've already got a lot on my plate I took Stacy Library of Memories class. I have a Circle Journal to do. I need to figure out a way to BALANCE it all so that I stay happy. Cause everybody knows if mama ain't happy ain't nobody happy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi there-
i found u thru ali's blog & just wanted to share that my word is balance too. i saw it on cz's blog as well after i had thought about. i need to turn the flylady on again as well. i'm not in lom @ bps but i'm in hs aytr. anyway, just wanted to share since we seem to have many parallels.
in honor of ali.